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The New Neutrals: Decorating With Greens

When decorating our homes, more often than not it is neutral colours that we reach for - with beiges, whites and greys traditionally providing the backdrop to our lives. Green tones can also work well as neutrals.

Displaying neutral-like characteristics, greens are versatile, and picking the right tone of green can complement almost any primary or secondary colour scheme, enhancing and adding visual interest – whether bedroom, kitchen, living room, or even the hallway. Green’s prevalence in nature means many of us are instinctively drawn to it, and it encourages a feeling of calm and space within the home. 

Lower walls in Syon Park No.13, Upper walls in Serpentine No.192

Lighter shades with a low saturation can subtly hint at colour without taking over a scheme, while darker, more intense shades such as olive, sage or forest green will deliver a bolder statement. Taking their cues from trees and foliage, greens offer an uplifting daily touchpoint with nature that many of us crave.

Cabinetry in Messel No.39, Walls in St James No.40

Cabinetry in Messel No.39

Green has always been a popular accent colour, but we are increasingly seeing broader use of the natural tones to provide a neutral backdrop in decorating schemes as people look to build their relationship with the outdoors wherever they are at home. It is nature’s neutral, and greens work really well as a backdrop but can also be used to make a statement in a space.