In Conversation with Matteo Bianchi, Founder of Daruma Design

Matteo Bianchi, Founder of Daruma Design - a creative studio based in Peckham specialising in interior design, product design and art direction.
Studio walls in Drury Lane™ No.115
Mylands has been based in Lambeth, London, since it was founded in 1884. This series looks to celebrate our local partners within the Lambeth community and discover their stories.
Matteo Bianchi founded Daruma Design in 2006, a creative studio located in Peckham that specialises in interior design, product design and creative direction.
Matteo grew up in Venice, Italy before moving to London to embark on his dream to become an interior designer. A firm believer of creating impactful change with his work to 'turn chaos into order with style', discover what made Matteo want to become an interior designer, his favourite colours to work with and the meaning behind his company namesake 'daruma'.
Welcome Matteo. Tell us, how did your interior design journey begin?
When I moved to London 20 years ago, I decided to take up several courses I had always been interested in, from shiatsu to interior design. Upon starting the interior design course, a memory from my childhood came to me of spending hours drawing everything and anything. Reflecting on that memory made me realise this was the career I wanted to pursue though I had no education, budget or contacts. I am glad I was not deterred from pursuing interior design and listened to my instinct than my logic.
What is your biggest influence as an interior designer?
My biggest inspiration would be Mother Nature and society – when you look at society, you get a lot of insight on human beings altogether and how they interact with nature.
Being born in Venice, what is the most iconic building of all time?
When I was a teenager growing up in Venice, I was surrounded by magnificent buildings from canals, bridges, palazzos, in effect I was spoilt for choice. Like most, it is human nature to not appreciate what you have around you until you no longer do. Funnily enough, when I was younger, I did an exchange program to Paris, and at that time the Centre Pompidou was so different from anything I had seen before. It left a lasting impression on me. So perhaps seeing that building was the first instance where I knew I wanted to create a difference and inspired me to do that as an interior designer.
What has been your favourite colour combination so far out of the projects you have worked on?
My favourite colour combination is from a project we did for a members club based in Cavendish Square, Mayfair. We did a dramatic clash between the use of Mylands' Mayfair Dark™ No.218 and Soho Pink™ No.266.
You have been a long term user of Mylands. What do you like the most about our paints?
What I like the most about Mylands is the outstanding quality. The paint itself is designed and made specifically for the English environment - which is one thing you learn when you arrive in the UK after living a lot of your life with sunnier weather. When working on interior design in the UK, you don't look for the sun or the natural light and how it interplays with the spce, you embrace the darkness and the grey skies.

Walls in Mayfair Dark™ No.218 and woodwork in Bloomsbury™ No.267
All images: Walls in Temple Bar™ No.70 and woodwork in Bloomsbury™ No.267
'What I like the most about Mylands is the outstanding quality. The paint itself is designed and made specifically for the English environment.' - Matteo Bianchi

What is your preferred colour to work with?
The beauty of our studio is that myself and the Daruma Design team all have different favourites when it comes to colour.
My favourite colour is yellow. If I could, I would paint everything yellow. Every day I would wear yellow. In particular, I like Circle Line™ No.4 from Mylands' Colours of London collection.
But colour is subjective - it is different for everyone. Both Jennifer and Paolo from our team would choose differently.
Jennifer is a bit of dark horse and leans towards darker colours - Bond Street™ No.219 being one of her favourites from Mylands.
On the otherhand, Paolo loves blue and aubergine hues, for example Duke's House™ No.44.
Though we have our own personal preferences for colours, when it comes to projects we never pick the colours we like. It is always about the brief we are given and the intent behind the project. It is not about us, it is about our client and the space.

Daruma Design's studio located in Peckham - Walls and ceiling in Hoxton Grey™ No.72
Your design studio is called Daruma Design. What inspired this name?
in 2004 I visited Japan and came across this ceramic talisman called 'Daruma'. When you buy one of these pieces, the eyes are blank; the tradition goes that once you draw an eye in one of the blank spaces, you can make a wish. It is encouraged that the bigger the wish, the better. When this wish is comes true, only then do you fill in the second eye. During my travels, I bought a Daruma with the dream of becoming an interior designer. That same Daruma is still with us in Peckham. The studio is named Daruma Design to remind our clients to fulfil their dreams, the bigger the better.
"The studio is named Daruma Design to remind our clients to fulfil their dreams, the bigger the better." - Matteo Bianchi
What is next for yourself and the Daruma Design team?
For Daruma, we are working on a cool hotel at the moment located in East London. We are currently in the concepting stage which is always exciting and we look forward to the journey this project will bring.
What kind of project would you love to work?
If I could, I would like to work on a restaurant chain or a new retail concept - something innovative that would engage with society.
Discover more about Daruma Design
35 Brayards Road, London, SE15 3RF
020 3006 2113